Important Benefits of Running – Cheryl Bratt’s Blog


Not only is running a fantastic way to get in shape, but it can also benefit almost every part of your body, including your mood. Although running is not everyone’s favorite form of exercise, learning what it can do to change your life might make you change your mind.

Running is a foolproof way to increase your overall health. Research has shown that not only does running boost your immune system, but can also raise levels of good cholesterol, lung function, and lower your risk of developing blood clots. it is also proven to help reduce the risk of heart attack buy strengthening the heart and maintaining its elasticity.

The risk of breast and other cancers is greatly decreased in those who run. Their risk of having a stroke goes down as well. Those who are in early stages of diabetes, high blood pressure, and osteoporosis are recommended by doctors to lace up their running sneakers. Running is also the best form of exercise on the quest of weight loss. It is the leading way to burn off unwanted calories and tone your physique.

Not only are running benefits physical, but also mental. Running can boost your confidence and self-esteem as well as eliminate stress. The practice of setting and achieving goals can help you feel a greater sense of empowerment and self-worth. By eliminating stress from your life, you can dodge numerous mood and health problems.

In a state of depression, getting up and going for a run is not at the top of your list of things to do. However, after a few laps your brain will leak hormones that positively affect your mood. Running has a similar affect on your brain that numerous anti-depression drugs do. Running can leave you more focused, more energized and happier.

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Cheryl Bratt’s Blog